Le Club's Halloween Party is coming up! Prizes, food, and torture will abound! |
Are you planning on attending the French Club's Halloween Party next week? If you're not, I hope this update will convince you it's the place to be.
So here's the newest info from Le Club:
In addition to a chilling and seasonally appropriate presentation about medieval torture by Professor Unlandt, we will have a creepy cuisine cook-off (with a copy of the Petit Nicolas DVD as a prize for the most creative dish!) and a costume contest with prizes for the best and most French costumes. Come celebrate Halloween with both cuisine and couture!
I must admit I'm super stoked on the medieval torture, especially since it will be taught by Professor Unlandt (awesome guy).
Now so I don't forget, if you would like to sign up for the creepy cuisine cook-off there is a sign up sheet here. Even if you wouldn't like to compete...bring something if you can!
Here's the skinny in case you didn't get it last time:
Where: WSC 3228 (big room = big party)
When: October 25th @ 7 PM (always good to start the festivities early)
What: Besides an awesome presentation on ancient torture techniques (how cool!), there will be the standard fare of contests including a costume contest (best costume and best French-themed costume) and a dessert contest (these won't be your Grandma's sugar cookies).
There's lots more fun stuff coming from Le Club, so keeping checking le blog, twitter, or Facebook!