Monday, October 10, 2011

Tis the Season of Scares

Le Club will be holding its annual
Halloween party October 25th @ 7PM
I have yet to read a study to know whether or not you get more candy during Christmas, Easter, or Halloween.  I do know however that I get about equally sick of chocolate during these holidays, but I don't think that's any sort of basis for a good academic study.  So, lacking any sort of accredited study and only having my own personal opinion to roll on, Halloween is most definitely the time of year that you get the biggest variety of candy (mmm...Tootsie Rolls), thus leading to more happiness in the world.

Now I'm sure many of you participated in Trunk-or-Treating, or even Trick-or-Treating if your parents were really brave, when you were a little kid.  Sadly about the time that you got around to high school old people just started chasing you off their porch with out even the smallest Lemon Head.  Well thankfully Le Club has got your back to help you with your Halloween fix.  That is why it is with great pleasure that I announce this year's Le Club Halloween Party!

Here's the skinny:

Where: WSC 3228 (big room = big party)
When: October 25th @ 7 PM (always good to start the festivities early)
What: Besides an awesome presentation on ancient torture techniques (how cool!), there will be the standard fare of contests including a costume contest (best costume and best French-themed costume) and a dessert contest (these won't be your Grandma's sugar cookies).

I imagine this will be a good time, so don't miss out!

Also I don't have a flier yet for this, but look for it in the coming weeks.

Happy Monday world!