Thursday, October 20, 2011

Get Your Groove On!

Le Club will be holding its yearly French Idol
November 10th in the Varsity Theater.
Sign up today!
Do you remember the first time American Idol came on television?  Oh the days of Kelly Clarkson winning the  first season (can I say that I have a slight music-crush on her?).  The judges were fun, the contestants made you cry (sometimes because the music wasn't so great), and the suspense of people getting kicked of the show made my week.

Recently I found out that the French Department does a French Idol each year.  How cool is that?  Singing, dancing, acting!  All in French! Or at least French-themed!  Check out the what Le Club has to say:

Can you sing, dance, or put together a great skit? Do you believe (as we do) that singing, dancing, and...skitting...are all better in French (or at least with a French theme)? We are getting ready for the annual French Idol event (to be held Thursday 10 November in the Varsity Theater) and auditions are coming up: 26-27 October (Wednesday and Thursday) and 1 November (Tuesday) from 7-8:30 in B135 JFSB (there's a piano in there if need be). Get an act together (on your own or with friends), e-mail us to schedule your audition, and come show us what you've got!

I guess it's time now that I put my Thriller dance to Le Marseillaise...

So here's the details pulled from above:

Auditions will be held October 26-27 (Wednesday and Thursday) as well as November 1 (Tuesday) from 7 - 8:30 PM in B135 JFSB.  To sign up for an audition click here.

The main event will be held Thursday November 10th in the Varsity Theater...(I don't have a time yet, so check back here)

Everyone!  Get your groove on!  or should I say your French Groove!

Happy Thursday!