Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The People That You Meet

Meeting up with old friends is always a lot of fun.  During his travels Alex Rose has been able to reconnect with quite a few.  Read on for the story.

While I was serving as a missionary in the France Paris Mission I was called to serve in the Paris "St. Merri Ward" just six weeks prior to going home. While there I had the pleasure of meeting many of the young single adult members of the church. Amongst those excellent people was Agenor Soho (now Elder Soho). 

While I as only in Paris for six weeks we became friends (in the measure that one can make friends as a missionary). As I the transfer came to an end I left Elder Soho with the above photo.

Flash forward three and a half years. I am sitting in a park in Geneva trying to figure out how i am going to make it to the church the next days (It was my first and only weekend in the city and i didn't know much about how the system worked in Geneva. There are four wards that meet in the same building with various language backgrounds) and I see the missionaries show up. Voila the result. 



It was exciting to see Elder Soho and what an impressive missionary he had become. It was a rather odd experience to find myself on the other side of missionary service. More on Geneva and Switzerland later.