Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's Good Hearing From You

So a couple of weeks ago I posted a survey on the blog.  A lot of you responded to it, and I just wanted to give you all a big Thank You!  Your commentary and ideas were very helpful, and now it's my turn to give back by implementing your ideas.

Thanks for your feedback everyone!
An overwhelming majority of you wanted to read more about French culture, so like books, movies, recipes, news articles, etc.  This is a great idea, and I will get on that ASAP.  A lot of you mentioned that you wanted to see more internship opportunities, workshops, and such.  Again I will try to stay on top of those openings and events as they appear.  I hope this blog will always give you relevant and up-to-date info on all things French.

With all this I want to put out a proposal for all of you, the readers; I would like to start posting things that you guys find on the web.  Say for example you find a sweet new French musician and want to share it with everyone, let me know about it!  If you find a French recipe that you absolutely love, tweet it to me!  If you know of an upcoming French event, send me a message on Facebook!  I want to start hearing from you people in the French community, because this blog is really for you guys.

So how can you contact me?  There are several ways.  First off you can leave me a comment here with a link to what you'd like me to share.  Another way is to write on the French Department's Facebook wall.  You can tweet me @byufrenchblog.  You can post something to our Google+ page.  We also have an email that you can write us at: byufrenchdept at gmail dot com.

Now if what you would like to share is an important event and you would like to write the article yourself, that's totally fine by me.  In that case please email, rather than facebooking the department.  With any post if you could include some sort of contact info, so in case we have any questions that would be great!

A quick note: any link or event that you would like to have posted here will be run by me, and a member of the French Department.  If it gets the okay we'll write up an article and get it posted as soon as we can.

I'm excited to see what you guys find!