His Excellency João Vale de Almeida will be addressing BYU this Friday at 2 PM in 238 HRCB. |
If you're a fan of our European neighbors, here is some very exciting news: the European Union's Ambassador to the United States is coming to BYU!!! Yes you heard it right... His Excellency João Vale de Almeida will be visiting BYU and giving a presentation entitled "Why the Euro Will Survive". Now this is a very unique event, and a very awesome event too; I mean how often do we get the Ambassador of the EU on this side of the lake?
This is an event sponsored by Kennedy Center of International Studies, and here is the info for the event:
When: Friday November 11th, 2011 at 2:00 PM
Where: 238 HRCB
Who: His Excellency João Vale de Almeida
For more info on His Excellency you can check out his CV here, or his Wikipedia page here. There is also a flier for the event here.
I hope you all can make it!