Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mark Your Calendars! CSE Events

The Center for the Study of Europe puts on great events every month. The speakers on this semester's docket will be excellent and very pertinent to contemporary French Studies.

The Speaker Series lectures / discussions are the first Wednesday of each month at 4 pm in 238 HRCB (Kennedy Center).

February 6: Mark Choate (History) and Jim Toronto (Arabic/Islamic) will discuss “Europe as a Melting Pot? Rising Immigration and Declining Population in the EU"

March 6: Ralph Hancock (Pol Sc) and Fred Gedicks (Law) will discuss secularism and religion in Europe, “Europe: Beyond Religion. . . and Politics?”

April 3: Heather Belnap-Jensen and Martha Peacock (Art History), and Valerie Hegstrom (Spanish Lit) will discuss, “Why European Women Don’t. . .”