Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Did you miss the French Studies Major Meeting?

Here’s the recap for those of you considering a French Major (or who have already declared a French Major and are wondering what you are doing with your life):

The French Department offers several programs of study: French Teaching Major, French Studies Primary Major, French Studies Secondary Major, and French Minor.

And what can you do with a French major?

A degree in French provides you with a deeper cultural understanding; you are familiar with the French perspective as well as your native perspective. French is a diplomatic language, and a lingua franca for the western world. The skills you will gain from coursework in French classes can send you in many different directions: You could work for an NGO or other nonprofit organization, in diplomacy, or translation for either, or in business, or ... and your cultural and linguistic familiarity would serve you well.

Coursework in French classes also requires you to develop skills in critical analysis of details and historical framework. Critical Analysis is needed everywhere! So you will be needed everywhere! Can you image a business world without analysis? And your familiarity with historical and cultural trends will increase your understanding of current affairs.

Ever experienced a nit-picky teacher in a French literature class? This attention to detail and ability to synthesize and analyze would also help you in standardized tests, like the GRE. If that’s what graduate schools are testing for, that’s probably what they are seeking in their students…

Plus*, Humanities majors are very valuable: they can relate to human beings! And companies know this: Goldman Sachs looks to hire 1/3 of their recruits from liberal arts majors.

Humanities (like French) majors know how to propose something unique, analyze, and assert and support their ideas.

All in all: Study French! You are not limiting your job possibilities. Every degree you achieve is a plus in your salary: regardless of discipline. So major in something you are interested in!

Do you already have a major you love? Consider a secondary major in French! You have more choices, and a second major usually only adds one semester at BYU!

Why Major in French HERE at BYU? Very interesting courses! Professors here are passionate, we (and they) are so lucky! They get to teach on their research subjects!

Want to strengthen your oral proficiency? Or just gain great life experience? Consider:
Teaching English in France
Francophone Study Abroad
Or living in Foreign Language Student Housing

Worried about the cost? There are stipends from the College of Humanities and the Kennedy Center just waiting for you! (With a stipend, it can be cheaper in the long run to go to France for an internship for the summer than just to live in Provo!)

Resources for French Majors:

Undergraduate Coordinator: Professor Bob Hudson 3113 JFSB

Humanities Advisement Center: Dave Waddell, Assistant Dean 1175 JFSB

BYU is a means to an end. You are not going to be here forever. The advisement center is here to help you figure out your future. And give you advice for how to fulfill your dreams!

*Still need to be more convinced? Check out the Humanities + Blog.