Here is the next entry from Alex Rose in his internship abroad:
It has proven to be an interesting day. I think I mentioned previously that my travel plans take three days to get me from Salt Lake City to Switzerland, my first destination. I am in the London Heathrow airport at the moment. Exhausted, Irritable and accompanied by the scent of “Degree Avalanche” where ever I go. This scent appears to be rather foreign to the majority of my fellow travelers. Contrary to what you may have thought when you read that last line, that was not a poke at the French. (many have asked me if French people care enough to wear deodorant and to manage their body hair. The question was surprising at first but more recently it has just become annoying.) The interesting smells that have invaded my nose today have almost been exclusively american in origin.
I wasn’t able to sleep much on the way over here. People seem to be unaware of what happens when you recline your seat on an airplane. I would like to point out that the amount of leg room available to the person sitting behind a seat is directly and inversely related to how far it is reclined. I can’t really complain too much as I did get a really good deal on all of my transportation needs.