Thursday, January 19, 2012

Phoenix: Frenchies Crooning in English

I'm still learning about how many good French music artists there are in the world.  In all honesty I've been surprised many-a-time to find out that a band I like (who sings in English) is actually French.  The latest one to pop up in my life is Phoenix, and only reason I found out that they were French was because of their Pandora profile.

Here's one of the music videos that they made...I'm not sure if I should say that it's a typical European film, but it is kind of trippy.  (You've been warned)

So for a little bit more on the band.  They started off in a garage in the suburbs of Paris.  Members of the group were changed out quite often in the beginning (an incoming member was actually an old band mate with the guys who started Daft Punk!).  In 1997 they released their first self-produced album.  While they only made 500 copies, they were soon signed on with the record label Source Records.  Between the years 2000 & 2006 they produced four albums, though it wasn't until the release of Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix that they became a worldwide sensation.  Their music was used in multiple American TV shows, movie trailers, and even the Green Bay Packers season montage.

Here's their music in the trailer for Valentine's Day:

Does anyone else have a favorite French band they'd like to share with the masses?  Share below in the comments!

Source: Wikipedia