Thursday, September 22, 2011

Le Petit Nicolas

The French Club will be showing
'Le Petit Nicolas' in the JFSB
Thursday the 29th at 7 PM

Who likes French movies?  I know I a lot.  So to satisfy your need for good flicks, the French Club will be screening 'Le Petit Nicolas'!  This movie is awesome.  It's based off of the hit French book series 'Le Petit Nicolas'.  So if you would like to watch a sweet movie and eat some great French food, you should totally come to this event!

Here's the info:

When: Thursday September 29 @ 7 PM
Where: JFSB B002
What: Good food, good film, good times

Now the movie will not be the only thing taking place this upcoming Thursday night; the French Club t-shirt design winner will also be announced!  If you've forgotten about this, or still want to get in on the action, check out the link here.

Well everyone, I wish you a happy Thursday and good luck with the weekend!