Monday, November 23, 2009

An awesome Christmas party coming up-see how it's done in France

The French club has always been one for tradition, and this year it looks like it will not only be continuing its traditional Christmas celebration, it will be improving upon its already successful format.

The first week back from Thanksgiving break seems like an appropriate time to turn our attention toward the coming Christmas holiday. In previous years, the French club used the handy "Thursday 11:00 no-man's land slot" to bring French enthusiasts together for a presentation on what Christmas is like in France and be regaled by a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and personal friend of Madame Thompson's who would sing "Minuit Chretien" (Christian Midnight). It was always a wonderful little gathering.

This year though, buckle up. We're still holding our Noel en France and we're adding to that a Soiree Noel. We've got a 7PM start time lined up with all sorts of attractions. First off, a yule-log cooking contest. The title of this blog is a link to a recipe that will get you started. I encourage you to participate. College is only as good as you make it and getting involved is the best way to make it something memorable. Take the time, buy the ingredients, and even for first time chefs, this will be a memorable contest to remember. Entries will be judged based on both taste AND presentation, so...

The French choir is also going to give one of its rare performances, so I encourage you not to miss that. Just think, a member of the Tab Choir AND the French choir all in the same week! What more can you ask for.

In addition to all these things, there will be a number of mini-presentations focusing on Christmas traditions all over the french speaking world. You might even see me representing at the Quebec booth. Interesting and far-flung places will be brought to your fingertips as you learn more about African, Tahitian, and Canadian traditions.

The cost is five dollars for non-french club members and of course with your french club dues comes free entrance to these activities. It will take place in room 3224 in the Wilkinson Student Center and we can't wait to see you there.

Much love,