Monday, November 17, 2008

You. In Print.


Did this title catch your attention?  If not, please don't respond--keep that to yourself.  To the rest of you, yes, the chance to be in print is indeed here.  Another edition of our beloved Department Newsletter will soon be upon us, and as such we need something worthwhile to say!  So to all you current students, undergrads and masters; and to all you alumni, hopefully doing worthwhile things; we ask that you write Professor Cropper at: and tell him about that exciting new job, the doctoral program you just got into, the symposium you are going to present a paper at, or how the birth of your 13th children went.  Hmm, that's unlucky.  Maybe write when you have the 14th.  Yes, much better.  You get the point.  The department wants to know what worthwhile things are going on with all of you, so please, send in your stories.  And if they are true, tant mieux!