One of the new features that we are bringing to the blog this semester is the French Link of the Week. Each week we will highlight some great French resources online. Hopefully these links will not only help you in you studies, but provide you with interesting resources for the future.
This week our link comes from Professor Cropper, who suggested the following to his FREN 452R students:
"For information about works and authors, instead of Wikipedia, use the Literature Resource Center (available through the BYU library website by clicking on databases A-Z then Literature Resource Center--from off campus your Route Y username and password will be required). Another good resource is the Literary Enclyclopedia (subscription is required for some of the information). These are good sites since they are written by known experts in the fields they discuss."
If you have any suggestions for a French Link of the week, please email them to the blog team at byufrenchstudies@gmail.com