The process of choosing the two European cities that will hold the title of European Capital of Culture in 2013 has begun.
Based on a predetermined rotation, each year two European nations are set from which that year's capitals will be chosen. The nations for each year are set several years in advance, and in 2013 France and Slovakia will be the nations from which the two cities will be chosen.
Even though the cities will not officially be named the Capitals of Culture until 2013, the process to choose which cities will bear the title has already begun. Seven French cities are being considered for the title: Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg and Toulouse.
Each city will submit a dossier promoting itself to the European Commission in November, and the commission will release a short-list of capital candidate cities in December. The final decision will be made by the Commission in summer of 2008.
Read more on the French cities up for the title below:
Le Monde: Sept villes françaises se disputent le titre de capitale européenne de la culture 2013