French engineers, along with the French national railway (the SNCF), are planning to break the world rail speed record. France is currently home to one of the fastest trains on earth, the TGV (train à grande vitesse). On April 3rd, the culmination of a program called "TGV 150" will be the test of an even faster model of TGV. The number 150 points to the programs speed goal of 150 meters per second.
The train, unveiled last week, is meant to break the current record of 513.3 km/hr (about 319 mph) by acheiving speeds of 540 - 600 km/hr (335.5 - 372.8 mph).
For more info check out these links:
Le Figaro: Le TGV battra son record à 220 kilomètres de Paris
TGV World Speed Record