Tuesday, January 23, 2007

BYU French Studies Major and Minor Requirement Changes

Starting Fall 2007 the French Major will change it's name to French Studies. Along with this change, there will be a change in the requirements for both the major and the minor.

Here's a quick overview of the curriculum changes:
(the changes are highlighted in blue)

French Studies Minor (The Core)
Students must complete the following:

  • 2 Language Courses
    • FR321 (3rd-year grammar)
    • FR 322 (advanced writing)
  • 2 Civilization Courses
    • FR361 (middle ages to 1715)
    • FR362 (1715-present)
    • FR363 (contemporary France)
  • 2 Literature Courses
    • FR340 (intro to literary analysis)
      • this course will combine the existing intro courses (340, 341)
    • One 400-level French lit course
French Studies Major
The major is basically the same, students will take just four additional 400 level courses after completing the minor.

These courses include:
  • Intro to French Linguistics
  • Studies in Genre
  • Studies in Literary Theory
  • Studies in Author
  • Francophone Culture
  • Studies in Period, Movement, and Theme
  • Studies in Culture
  • History of French
Why the Changes?
By changing from French to French Studies was made in order to better embody what students learn in the program. Students do more than simply learn to speak French, they learn about French civilization, culture, literature and much more.

By changing some of the major/minor requirements the program will now allow French Studies minors to take advantage of the more profound 400 level courses. This will also give them the chance to sample the French Studies major.

The audio from the meeting announcing these changes, as well as a PowerPoint presentation will soon be made available for review.