Today we turn again to Quebec, to listen to a young Montrealer named Béatrice Martin (Coeur de Pirate to her fans). Classically trained on the piano since the age of three, Béatrice only started writing her own songs a couple of years ago and released her first album under her stage name, Coeur de Pirate. Coeur de Pirate writes, sings, and plays her own music, and is one of few major francophone singers to actually sing in French. She has been rewarded with widespread popularity across Canada as well as the francophone world (her launch to stardom was aided in part by this adorable video). She has consistently been in the Francophone top ten, has been nominated for several music awards, and won the La Victoire (France's equivalent of the Grammys) for Best Original Song of 2010.
The piano is a staple of her self-titled debut album, making her music somewhat reminiscent of Yann Tiersen's soundtrack for Amélie. Coeur de Pirate also plays with a wide variety of instruments that give her music a vibrant, multi-faceted texture. Guitars, drums, organs, trumpets, xylophones (or glockenspiels... what's the difference?), reeds, strings, a banjo, and of course, that trademark of French music, an accordion, all contribute to her unique sound. Coeur de Pirate's lyrics are usually centered on the tried and true subject of many musicians: love, in all its poetic bliss and tragedy. An optimistic (or perhaps ironic; I haven't decided yet) cheerfulness pervades many of even her sadder songs. While "Corbeau" is decidedly mournful, it ends on a positive note; "Berceuse", on the other hand, matches the pangs of lost love with a flirtatious melody in waltz time accompanied by an accordion.
Coeur de Pirate's debut album is available from all the usual places, but here's a taste of some my favorites, as well as a few tidbits from live performances:
Comme des enfants
La vie est ailleurs
Pour un infidèle (collaborating with Julian Doré)
C'était salement romantique
J'ai demandé à la lune (with Indochine at a benefit concert)
Umbrella (This one makes me giggle a little; an unexpected, but good, cover.)