Tuesday, January 11, 2011
BYU Language Certificate
Except for a few extraordinarily gifted people, learning a language is hard work that deserves a little recognition. BYU has recently introduced a new program that allows those studying any of the school's top ten taught languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Russian, and Spanish) to earn a Language Proficiency certificate and an official notation on your transcript indicating your language proficiency. The required courses overlap conveniently with the requirements for the French majors and minors. Applying is simple: go to languagecertificate.byu.edu and create a profile. You can then report your grades for the required courses (a minimum B- is necessary). Once all the courses are completed, you will be able to sign up to take the oral and written proficiency tests. Visit their website for all the details, including the list of required courses, complete application instructions, and other FAQs.