Friday, March 5, 2010

Oulipo Winners!

T. Smith and Grace are our Oulipo contest winners. I have posted their entries below for all to enjoy. So, T. Smith and Grace, come by the French and Italian Department, tell the secretary who you are and there will be a prize for you! Thanks to everyone who participated and we hope it was fun.

Grace's Haï-kaïsation of Mallarmé's poem "Soupir":

ô calme soeur
taches de rousseur
oeil angélique
vers l'Azur!
pâle et pur
langueur infinie
fauve agonie
froid sillon
d'un long rayon

Abécédaire by T. Smith
Alan brings canned donuts everyday. Families grow happy if Jessica keeps learning more needlework. Only people quantify reasons Sicily tangled under Venice's wicked, xenophobic, yearlong zeitgeist.